A game by Spartaco Albertarelli
Illustrations by Elena Prette


80 round cards with one side showing illustrated objects and the other a letter of the alphabet.

1 Multilanguage rulesbook



Find as quickly as possible on the cards an object or detail whose name begins with a randomly chosen letter.


Shuffle the 80 cards and place the deck in the middle of the table, with the letters face up.


1 Turn over the top card of the deck to show the illustrated objects and place it next to the deck. The letter now visible at the top of the deck will be the reference letter for the turn.

2 At the same time and each for herself, the players look for an object, a detail or whatever else comes to mind (in relation to the illustrations on the card), whose name begins with the reference letter (i.e. the one that appears at the top of the deck).
Every player can say any word that she can somehow connect (even abstractly) to one of the images shown on the card (an object, a colour, a shape, a feeling, an action or something else), but must submit the word to the judgment of the others, who will decide whether or not to accept the declaration (the declaration is only valid if accepted by more than half of the voters). 

For example, with reference to figure 2, if the letter had been G, a player could have said “Giant”, but also “Gray” (both referring to the elephant) and if the letter had been M she could have tried “Memory” (a characteristic often associated with this animal), hoping that the word would be accepted. If the players deem it necessary, they can decide on the acceptability criteria before the game. 

3 Declaration is accepted, the player wins the card and places it in front of her, if instead it is rejected, a new turn begins. The used card is discarded and a new one is turned over from the deck.

4 If a player believes that nobody will succeed in having a declaration accepted, she can claim CHALLENGE! out loud and then she starts counting 10 seconds, within which the opponents can try to make a declaration, hoping that it will be accepted (the challenger cannot vote).
If nobody succeeds, the challenger wins the card and a new turn begins. If someone wins the challenge, she wins the card, and the challenger must skip the next turn, in which he can neither declare words, nor challenge the others.

5 The end of each turn, a new turn begins by flipping the deck and thus creating a new association of ideas between the the frst card of new unveiled letter and the objects shown in the turned card.


The frst player to win 5 cards wins the game.
Before starting you can decide to reduce or increase this goal to make the game shorter or longer, depending on the number of players.

Note: the texts of this game are gender-neutral, i.e. every word should be interpreted without gender indication (neither male, nor female, nor other). For example “she” means “that person” with no gender indication.